European Union trade mark(EUTM) website:


Regulation (EU) No 2015/2424 of the European Parliament and the Council amending the Community trade mark regulation entered into force on 23 March 2016. The Office is now called the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the Community trade mark is now called the European Union trade mark.
The Amending Regulation was published on 24 December 2015 and is part of the EU trade mark reform legislative package that also includes the replacement of the existing EU Trade Mark Directive.
The Amending Regulation acknowledges the success of the current system and confirms that its main principles have stood the test of time. Additionally, it seeks to build on this success by modernising and adapting its provisions to the internet era. The Amending Regulation, in particular, seeks to:
- streamline proceedings and increase legal certainty;
- define clearly all the Office's tasks including the framework for cooperation and convergence of
  practices between the Office and the industrial property offices of the Member States;
- revise the fees payable to the Office, including an overall reduction in their amounts, particularly
  significant in the case of renewals, and the adoption of a one-class-per-fee system.