
In order to expand its global patent data collection scope, the USPTO launched the Global Patent Search Network the search function of which enables the users to search various interntional patent data more easily and extensively.


The system is the joint effort of the USPTO and the State Intellectual Property Office of China.  Upon the lauch of the system, Chinese patent documents could be searched and retrieved.  Users can use this system via the website of the USPTO and the data it provides includes full-text Chinese patents and machine English translations which enable users to search patent documents in simplified Chinese or English.  It also includes the image copy of full-text Chinese patents in China.  The data available is invention publication cases, invention announcement cases and utility model cases from 2008 ro 2011.  The system will update more data regularly and will included more foreign patent data in the future.


This new search tool provides the public and patent examiners a new source of foreign patent documents.  In addition, real time machine English translation can effectively overcome the language barrier and quickly analyze the relevance of prior art which reduces the need for high-cost manual translations.  Although machine English translation is sometimes bizarre, it is still an important way to learn of foreign patent information.


In addition, in order to make use of the advantages of cost, flexibility and innovation of cloud computing used by the US government, the Global Patent Search Network is the first to adopt cloud technology with respect to patents.  Taking advantage of cloud computing can enhance operational efficiency and help the USPTO respond more quickly to the needs of the public and patent examiners.